This is just a good read, to make sure you are always aware of your surroundings, and to always follow your gut feelings. We have them for a reason.
This happened in Columbus, Ohio:
A woman was shopping at the Tuttle Mall in Columbus.
She came out to her car and saw she had a flat. She got her jack and spare
out of the trunk. A man in a business suit came up and started to help
her. When the tire had been replaced, he asked for a ride to his car on
the opposite side of the Mall.
Feeling uncomfortable about doing this, she asked why he was on this side of the Mall if his car was on the other. He claimed he had been talking to friends. Still uncomfortable, she told him that she had just remembered something, she had forgotten to pick up at the mall.
She left him and went back inside the mall. She reported the incident to the mall security and they went out to her car. The man was nowhere in sight.
Opening her trunk, she discovered a brief case the man had set inside her trunk while helping her with the tire. Inside were rope and a butcher knife!
When she took the tire to be fixed, the mechanic informed her that there was nothing wrong with her tire, that it was flat because the air had been let out of it.
Please be safe and not sorry. Although this happened in Columbus, it could happen anywhere. Just a warning to always be alert.
You can never be too safe....